I’ll never forget it. We were reorganizing and my boss put two of us in the same job, Rick and me. It seemed odd. But Rick is a smart guy... read more →
Too many leaders lack the courage to say and do what needs to be said and done. In fact, I would say that failure of nerve among some leaders is... read more →
I was meeting with a coaching client recently and we were talking about his new role. I'm sometimes inclined to ask the question, "how do you want to (or need... read more →
If you plan to take a vacation or carve out some time to read this summer, here are some of my top picks: The Anxious Organization, Jeffrey Miller – I... read more →
Almost anyone who works within an organization faces the reality of the sometimes dreaded - conference call! Typically necessary, these virtual meetings can actually be very productive if you’re intentional... read more →
Ten years ago you would probably barely know who or what Burberry is. You might recall that it’s the old British clothing company noted for its signature scarfs and maybe... read more →
Executive coaching has been turning a huge corner as proven from a recent survey conducted mid-2013 by Stanford University School of Business and The Miles Group. Most significant is senior leadership’s shift... read more →
It’s that classic time to take inventory, a leadership inventory. 1. What did you do really well this year? Go for it, and don’t be modest! Brainstorm with yourself... read more →
Concept: Proactive energy companies are, 1) holding leaders accountable for effective leadership behaviors and, 2) they are growing their own leaders using a very deliberate profile and programs. They are branding... read more →
Intentional Leadership: A Definition Admittedly, I have been on a quest for that ideal definition of “leadership” that fully captures its essence. While I’m not sure that I’ll ever completely find it,... read more →